Преди да закупите първата си еърсофт реплика трябва да знаете следните неща:
- Откритото пренасяне/използване на обществени места е недопустимо, защото може да доведе до сериозни негативни последствия както за Вас лично, така и за еърсофт общността като цяло;
- Подробното запознаване с инструкциите за експлоатация, предимствата, недостатъците и особенностите на избраният от Вас модел значително ще намали риска от проблеми, счупвания и неудовлетвореност в последствие;
- По-голяма сила/дулна енергия не значи по-добра дистанция или точност. Определете за себе си ясно за какво ще ползвате репликата и се консултирайте със наш специалист, който ще Ви предпази от грешки или предупреди за скрити особености;
- Еърсофт репликите са измислени с цел да може относително безопасно да се ползват с цел забава/тренировка, включително срещу хора със защита на очите/лицето. Тяхното първоначално предназначение изключва те да бъдат ползвани за самозащита;
- Своевременната поддръжка и правилната експлоатация значително ще удължи есплоатационният срок и представянето на избраната реплика;
В стремежа си да улесним максимално клиента, записваме всичката ни нужна информация електронно. Ако имате проблем с продукт, закупен от нас е достатъчно да се обадите на някой от посочените служебни телефони. Ние ще Ви изслушаме и ако проблемът е дребен и може да бъде оправен от Вас чрез инструкции от наша страна, ще Ви насочим как да го отстраните. Ако е по-сериозен, ще Ви насочим към най-свободният сервизен център, за да можете час по-скоро да получите продукта с отстранен дефект.
Важно е да помните, че консумативите - топчетата, газта, батериите нямат гаранционно покритие. Въпреки това, ако срещнете неочаквани проблеми с тях - потърсете ни, не е изключено да има производствени дефекти и ние да заменим продукта.
Разходите по транспорта в която и да е посока при гаранционно обслужване са за сметка на клиента.
This is probably the most frequently asked question that is encountered in the first contacts with this sport.
If the question is between different classes of weapons, the answer is simple: It is best to get an Automatic Electric Gun (AEG). Buying a pistol as the first weapon may seem logical at first, especially given the lower price of some models compared to submachine guns and rifles, but they hide much higher costs of use (gas, CO2, maintenance) and also have much more limited possibilities for effective application. Almost every machine gun shoots farther and more accurately than most pistols, and its maintenance and operation costs are many times lower.
If the question is based on the specific model (What should I take - AK or M4 or something else?) Then there is no clear answer. There is no such maxim that replicas of one model shoot better than replicas of another particular model of real weapon - there are huge differences from manufacturer to manufacturer, as well as from price range to price range. In general, replicas of the same price range have very similar characteristics in terms of accuracy, consistency and range. The best solution in this case is personal preference. However, our advice is not to rush into choosing a model before you hold it in your hands and try it on the field - often what looks "cool" may not be very convenient for you on the field and then you buy something, which instead of making you happy, will irritate you. If there is no place around you that allows you to touch the specific models you have chosen - contact us, we will offer an alternative.
If convenience is the leading factor in the choice (you are not so pretentious about convenience and comfort in operation), then we have some tips for you:
We hope that these few tips will make your choice easier and more reasonable.
This is also a common dilemma that everyone has to answer for themselves. In a few words we will try to summarize the advantages and disadvantages of the 2 systems:
+ Better performance in a wider temperature range (from about 0 degrees to +30).
+ Stronger recoil on most models.
- Higher average price during operation (the difference is insignificant, sometimes it may not be, depending on the gringe used or a particular model of pistols).
- More capricious in terms of maintenance.
+ More economical (most models).
+ Ability to store gas in the magazine without seriously damaging the performance of the gun.
- Practically unusable at temperatures below 5-7 degrees Celsius (depending on the model).
- The magazines have 2 valves each, most of them have a valve at the bottom, which is easily contaminated when it comes into contact with sand / soil, etc.
The right choice here most often depends on your personal preferences and other subjective factors such as the average temperature at which you will play, the availability of stores where you can buy greengas or CO2 bottles near you, etc. The best compromise, in our opinion, is the CO2 pistol, which also accepts greengas magazines. This is a gun that you will be able to use at any time of the year and you will not have to choose between economy, ease of use and affordability.
There is no law in Bulgaria to classify Airsoft replicas as a weapon, so there is no obstacle to buying this type of replica, even if you are under 18. Because of safety reasons however, if you are under 18 we would require incormed consent from your parent in order to execute your order.
The differences are much more than the similarities. Apart from the fact that the goal is to hit the enemy with a projectile that is propelled by a different type of gun, they have no common features. Airsoft offers much better security, a significantly higher dose of realism and the opportunity to diversify the game (cosplay of various real units is possible, as well as games and virtual characters with the most accurate copying of both weapons and equipment) , in addition, the weapons in the airsoft are much more accurate and have a longer range.
Unlike paintball, where a hit on your opponent is clearly visible, airsoft is a game based on honesty and dignity - here the pleasure of the game is above the competitive part, which makes it much friendlier and more interesting.
In two words - a military-tactical game. Airsoft uses very accurate copies of real weapons, as well as those popular in movies and Video games. The great variety of all types of replicas, which have their own characteristics, makes airsoft a very diverse and extremely exciting sport. The biggest games have several thousand participants and last nearly a week. If you have not tried this sport yet - do not miss this opportunity, but book your participation with us!